Saint Patrick's Day Food

Every country has foods that are consumed on its national holiday. The U.S. has turkey on Thanksgiving, Australia enjoys Barramundi on Australia Day, in China noodles and spring rolls are traditional for New Year.

What do Irish people eat on Saint Patrick's Day?


The morning starts with a small meal of homemade brown bread topped with butter. This is washed down with a cup of tea.

Traditional Brown Bread


Before heading to the local Saint Patrick's Day Parade homemade potato and leek soup is served. Brown bread and a glass of cool milk is on the side.

Irish Soup


This is the main meal of the day and is a source of pride for the cook. Traditional bacon and cabbage is served with floury potatoes and butter. A pint of Guinness or a bottle of wine provides the liquid refreshment.

Bacon and Cabbage

Green Jelly and mint ice cream finish off the meal.

Green Jello


Later in the evening an oat biscuit and a cup of tea end the days feasting.

Oat Bisciuts

For more on Saint Patrick click on Patrick Warrior Saint

For more on the myths of Saint Patrick click on Top 5 Myths Saint Patrick

What did Saint Patrick eat? Find out at The Food and Drink Saint Patrick Consumed

What music did Saint Patrick enjoy? Find out at The Music of Saint Patrick